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tv   [untitled]    September 15, 2012 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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market. why not what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports . welcome back here with r.t. here's a look at the top stories anti-american rage gains momentum with several deaths across the arab world and protests over a us made film mocking the prophet muhammad demonstrators are now targeting any american or western establishment or mission was schools and restaurants now also under attack. after a summer lol russia's opposition is set for nationwide marches the largest being in moscow for the first time opposition groups will be joined by teachers and other public sector workers. and the u.k.
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orders a probe into why fuel costs are kept high even want to oil prices drop traitorous and cities that the leaders are accused of rigging markets while petrol costs pushing up how much britain's pay for all of their goods. is the headlines here in r t up next al going off talks to double paralympic swimming champion alyssa deacon a who despite losing an arm in a car accident has managed to set a new world record in swimming. download the official. language stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. it's not required to watch on t.v. all you need. to watch r.t. any time and.
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hello again and welcome to spotlight. on our team i'm. a my guest on the program is. russia came second in the unofficial medal count. with hundred. thirty six of them. one of those games was a young lady from moscow she chose not to quit sport after losing her best friend and her left arm in a terrible car accident came up with a world record in swimming at the beijing. four years later in london she managed to break her own record and one another gold medal she is.
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and she's my guest in the studio. russia has come second in the middle stable at the two thousand and twelve paralympics helped by swimmer. who won a complete set of gold silver and bronze and sat in a new world record five years ago alyssa lost an arm in a traffic accident just a month later she showed up at a swimming pool. atis driven to recover she spent hours practicing to put facts and new swimming technique hard work paid off. is a double paralympics champion an ambassador of sorts to two thousand and fourteen winter olympics out of the pool she promotes paralympic sports so people with disabilities can enjoy an active life. hello melissa welcome to the show i know you study english i know you're not good
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enough i know you're a perfectionist so so we speak english or russian you choose right now russian ok ok well first of all congratulations in the medal congratulations on the second record. here's my first question because after you want to. take sinbad years ago you called it the biggest achievement of your life time the washed over we now four years later you have won another. does this mean this mail is your biggest achievement. from there they're just different chest like the mountain games are different from beijing. when i won gold. i was over the moon i think that victory came as a surprise since i got sand where i was not as much emotional and physical stress involved with i was basically recovering after the accident where i lost
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a good friend an unarmed person but. very different because i had to train hard and competition was very tough there was so much going on in my head so much doat so it was a lot more difficult in other words what you're saying yes it is easier to make it to the top of them to stay there sadly i've learned from experience if you compare the beijing and london well before the show you told me that you like the paralympics beijing more but why was that was that because it was your first paralympics because of its oriental location or for some other reason that yes that was my first time and i laugh novelty and i couldn't help but marvelling at how enormous it all was the first server to open in ceremony they far were volunteers we had a chance to take a tour of the city that felt like
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a major adventure. in london it felt like i went there with a very specific goal in mind to win a medal you know just to complete to do my best it's because it is or was it the mindset within the russian team or the approach you personally had all the british organizers who will eventually come around the city answer places like tower bridge . well everyone expected a lot from us i also said. at this kind of a high standard for myself so i guess there was something of an approach i has adopted for myself but let's take a closer look now at the president the success of the russian team at the paralympics here's a story from spotlights to me that are. watching they'll and the games have lately turned into quite a painful experience for russians who expected to see more than the athletes
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actually delivered but the london paralympics turned out to be quite a different experience the number of medals won multiplied dramatically with each day the russian paralympians eventually set fourteen world records one thirty six schools took second place in the overall medal count and were treated like national heroes on their return to us you showed us was that i want to congratulate you once again with your amazing performance at the fourteenth paralympic games in london you really shone the highest class we've seen your will your aspirations to become champions you made the russian team one of the world leaders in her olympic sport that is a bold actually it's may just be a huge leap to achieve their london success from quite a modest eighth place in the overall medal count four years ago this time they made the able boarded olympians feel jealous of the stunning progress they made besides
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the titles won by the paralympians seem somewhat more precious as they have a bittersweet taste about them behind their triumphs often stories of simply having to come to terms with life of overcoming fears depression and despair one of the stars of the paralympics alexia shah partner had been a professional reliable player before he lost his leg in an accident ten years ago he had enough courage to staines court this term in london he clinched us with once again seen this. normally i'm still human abilities which made at least some of us find even more of the true sporting spirit in the paralympics than in the quest cyclone games. so might as we'll be watching this reporter lisa we started talking about how much silver and bronze medals mean. i totally understand that even to participate in the games especially in the
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paralympic games this means last year. there are so many women like you who suffer the terrible accident life so to stay in school to go to the paralympics as part of the national team this makes you a real hero or at least as far as your kids are at the in the there is also another when you can look at it for example i have a son who does sports and i always tell him you are being first is all that matters and that he should never settle for less agreement. may have a point by saying i disagree. the accident has changed the way. this thing or this. so. that you know being first is not what life is about. you have to live in the moment shouldn't fixate on the wheel. but otherwise you just miss out on the life
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force. what makes you happy person not when you achieve a real york of what it is rather the process of pursuing that. the little things you do every day. or what you feel. and what you think of this is the second time i learn from experience what it feels like to pursue you and what it feels like to get there and maybe it's just me but after i win a medal or achieve a milestone i know. kind of. just. seems yes. there is nothing good about feeling empty right to be frank sometimes even the fans get that feeling once the olympics and the paralympics are over and wake up in the morning and you're going to need to switch on the t.v. and you don't know what to do next year it's similar to what you were talking about . the whole thing is that yes it is you just get stomped to me
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anyway you come back to moscow with a present means you. get some presents in fact quite a distant financial markets do you feel happy. all over all you are a happy woman yes i'm happy absolutely. let me ask you something you sleep with let's say there is no accident that you get married and become a housewife you have a good husband and a nice house you would be happier than you are now. where they're going to you know you know with me you. know if. i'm ever to go back to that situation i'll live with what i have now as a t. i thought and i really appreciate what i have. participating in the paralympics twice. a lot less that i really have
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a lot of. russian paralympic sometimes show even better results than the olympic athletes. do explain that the government does this mainly something's wrong with our professionals. and i was a little. i don't think something's wrong with our prisoners and i think what our olympic athletes did well. we saw them here it was a game and i can say they train the snow very well. because that is just that the olympic and paralympic games are very different but in the paralympic games are a relatively recent development of that election and it is easier to make progress when he starts with less compared to situations where you have already achieved so thank you and that i would agree example when i said you know world records in
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beijing are approved with an old one by three second quarter but when i broke my own record in laundry i only managed to improve it by half a second after that i mean once you've reached a certain level it gets harder. now four years older and yet you were able to improve with the second one i shall be glad of course that's great that what i mean is i mean it is harder for olympians to achieve good results than for paralympians that because they aren't big games have been there for a while and everything nice out there crews everything all the countries all the athletes they all participate they all prepare for it but it's paralympics some people in russia hardly even know by then it's a new saying you have the president meet with the team before the gains and after the games and i have this reception in the kremlin with all these a words and with paralympic and getting the same bonuses as olympians i mean we're still
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a to early stage and that's why we make great strides later i think we'll come to a point where things will get difficult for us but that's not to say we have a teaser as a teaser for hearts says i list the work week of the russian the paralympic gold medal winner spotlight will be back shortly after a break so stay with us. the . machine would be soo much brighter if you knew about songs from songs to question some. nice please don't talk t. don't come.
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back to this newest edition juice maybe a series of crap to use to listen with me robert foster this evening was actively delving into the facts which affect the all of us who put on this internet and which got to give a special welcome to all the ladies and agents from the n.s.a. a c o m i five glad you listening in because today's show is all about statements in which spreading from the streets in swat moves as we speak laws are being tacitly written in to implement ways of controlling the expanse of distance in it to keep us safe we're told the move. for what knows you could trust the government now if you got the doj you got nothing to worry about. for the gentleman's troops spread worldwide. by. the ninety nine percent versus the one percent with all the money.
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are they getting a quality into the economy. more a session ahead john will afford not to mislead. the occupy movement more on our take. welcome back to spotlight i'm not. just a reminder that my guest on the show today is. she's three time medal winner of the london olympics she has the gold medal. now after such a successful performance in london the one by you and by the russian team general many people including some prominent journalists rode that this was actually a real support for attend the paralympic games should it even come first the regular olympics the millionaire games as they call it should be held afterwords.
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yes. i mean you've been on both sides you used to be a pro athlete and now you're a paralympian i think there is a point in that. and you really get inspired when i see you disable people can and compilation in. a law that says that you can too that. you get important words. those are more akin to thought why can't you. quote those. paralympians may inspire us in some way. is that at. first do you agree that what you have at the paralympic games jan you know emotions
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on the atmosphere out there competition do you think much of that has been lost your regular olympic games remember how in the past pro athletes were not even allowed to compete. in the amateurs were but now with professional athletes and commercial advertising it's sort of being transferred to a big showbiz event during i do but don't you think that with the paralympic games gaining popularity like you said with full stands and have to be bonuses the same thing will happen with the paralympics as well i think a twelve and in fact it is already happening here for is it good or bad yes there's a lot of my i think there is nothing wrong with that i think it is only natural. that we have things we need to do and we have to try this policy. or the price we pay is that we have a commercial advertisement where sport is reasonable it's common knowledge that professional sport is bad for your health i mean if we talk about the pros i had
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a friend who likes to say if sports were good for the health. my family would definitely have a barrel in the house. there to show you that you can overcome your disability you can conquer your illness. but once you make it into something professional once it gets. used to. seeing that you are further damaging your body. and only this just for the sake of sponsors and revenge. that's. truly people. that are olympic games have already been through the toughest experience in their lives. and that. there is no further risk for their health. so if you mentioned something interesting earlier that paralympians compete of their own risk they're not required to have a paper from the doctor saying that they can't compete and to put it bluntly they
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are not going to have a heart failure in the risk is real and these people are going for it in order to prove that they can make it right yes but when they want to prove this primarily to themselves and this is another thing that makes the paralympic games different from the olympics because it's a big why would you need to go to london in order to prove something to yourself. i didn't know you just have things dream this go. here may have some hesitations. and you need this to boost your confidence i need this for the sake of self-fulfillment you need to get to prove to yourself and others that you can do it. you know many people say that moscow and russia in general are not really suitable for people with disabilities and this is partially because after world war two
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stalin. was a country victorious invalid. so the authorities did their best to get the invalid's and there was naturally a large number of them after work to get them out of sight because the country was recovering after the war and did not want to be reminded about the war they just wanted to put their lives back on track and this attitude deeply hundred in russian people for example in france you have. in the very heart of paris where the poland story. but in russia it's very different for instance my father who was born and raised during the stalin era he doesn't want to watch the paralympics he says is depressing but here. can you understand when you might you were. going i know what you're talking about. and i can even tell you that used to be swayed. i never watched the paralympics and you know none of my friends did and
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chandra languages people with disabilities that's a has we tend to forget that this can happen to anybody this can happen to us just so when our friends and i never cared about it as a member. people. you know they are into this for that and they are in every event and they support me. they are all about athletes they know about each of the offloads went to sleep over to their house they don't turn that way from the. contrary they're now keen to know more about this sport and both the athlete as a person chance to bow to his disability. paralympics on t.v. people will never get used to it they will never learn to see beyond his abilities because. it is not your disability that defines who you. just saw the
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video of the reception your fellow athletes had in the recently departed. there are different ways people come to paralympic sports some alike knew they were professional athletes and then they had an accident or something and then continue as paralympians. others were born with disabilities or they take up sports as a part of their recovery program after an accident and they turn out to be good at it. these situations is more common. i don't know. and i really don't think it matters that much. he wasn't a difficult decision for you to stay in work after your accident or was it a natural thing to do how did you make that decision and. it was not a difficult decision to make especially after my first coach called me at the hospital in bangkok. and then i talked to mom about it i just had this
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realisation that i need to go on with swimming let's just have a try but i didn't think about causing much of the paralympics or anything else they sorted you think about that i just knew i had to go to the pool i had to swim and all of these other things they came into the room so you stayed with the same coach for those of us when i still do the same coach i had for the two years prior to the accident. did you train together with others in the same pool worse separately. the same the same guys used to train with. one fact on their own the paralympics but paralympics boards are quite special swimming perhaps is not that different. so are there special coaches special training programs special facilities and we're barely opinions on what it's really . special or. wheelchairs special equipment and actual training facilities and special games. we have everything you look at
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by the way i was watching a paralympic track and field event the other day right with athletes in a wheelchairs and i thought to myself that actually this is no longer a track and field because they're not actually running this is more like cycling we have paralympic cycling as well here i remember the first time i was impressed by paralympians i worked in a long time. three mountain climbers in wheelchairs we went to westminster abbey and i asked them how they managed to climb mountains in wheelchairs. they said climbing wasn't hard at all climbing down was the difficult part. so they said we're going to show you how we do it we were standing at the top of a stairway of about forty steps and it was pretty steep and they will ride down the stairway new cars who are it was almost as if they slid down the slope with all the
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journalists through there they said we didn't get any pictures of that too but we can you show it again it was amazing so you're right it's different so would you say no to vision is higher with paralympians as compared to regular athletes. i think. this is part of the reason why our paralympic team was so good both in the winter and summer games. because this is something unbelievable. what do you plan to do after you're retired from competitive sports. probably works for some and something sports related. or a thought that may be something on television in other words you haven't seriously considered yet or bonaire i think. you're probably just too these are getting
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prepared for the next paralympics it just got us to get them there i'm technically not getting prepared for its cames because i just got back from these games a couple of days ago and right now i want to focus on the primera teen paralympic movement as much as possible. so also it is very important to prepare everything for the paralympic games in sochi we have less than two years left it will soon be five hundred days before the opening and we still need to do a lot of threats i think russia can and should host the best games in the history of the paralympics and i would love to participate in this work porchester to work there was a pariah you are an ambassador of the subject game so i wish you the best of luck we'll soon so she had two years thank you thank you for being with us learn what you learn your english and when you come back story will speak english i get it right thank you just a reminder that was i use that word week in the russian paralympic that said
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without the ball spotlight would you feel that they are quality and take.
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